How To Contribute To The MICR

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	  I hope you're well 

The following is a set of guidelines for contributing to The MICR open-source project. These are mostly guidelines and recommendations. Use your best judgment, and feel free to propose changes to this document in a pull request.



Code of Conduct

This project and everyone participating in it is governed by the MICR Code of Conduct. By participating, you are expected to uphold this code. Please report unacceptable behavior to



TL;DR I just have a question!

(TL;DR = Too long; didn't read)

Note: Please don't file an issue to ask a question. You'll get faster results by using the resources below.

You can submit a question through the discussions tab here here. The discussions tab here has other categories beyond a question you can choose from.

[!NEED] I will also look into setting up an email address so people can have this option as well.



How Can I Contribute?

Don't get too caught up in ALL of the details of your idea whenever the moment of inspiration comes upon you. If you get too caught up in trying to make everything make sense immediately, you may not submit your idea at all. Remember, do your best and try to have some gawd damn fun.

For anyone who is new to contributing to open source and has a question about the relationship between ISSUES and PULL REQUESTS, Steve Donie answered on Quora:

A pull request has code that fixes a bug or adds a feature. An issue in GitHub is just a description of a bug or a feature. A pull request might be created to address an issue, and merging the pull request might result in that issue being marked as ‘resolved’.

Before submitting a new issue be, sure to check the Issues tab to see if the topic you are considering has already been brought up.

Before submitting a new pull request be sure to check the Pull Requests tab to check to see if anyone else is working on something you're thinking of contributing.



Reporting Bugs

This section guides you through submitting a bug report for the MICR. Following these guidelines helps maintainers and the community understand your report :pencil:, reproduce the behavior :computer:, and find related reports :mag_right:.

Before creating bug reports, please check this list as you might find out that you don't need to create one. When you are creating a bug report, please include as many details as possible. [!NEED] Fill out the required template, the information it asks for helps us resolve issues faster.

Note: If you find a Closed issue that seems like it is the same thing that you're experiencing, open a new issue and include a link to the original issue in the body of your new one.


Before Submitting A Bug Report:

[!NEED || 1. FAQ Document 2. Link for FAQ Doc]

  • Check the FAQ for a list of common questions and problems.

  • Perform a cursory search to see if the problem has already been reported. If it has and the issue is still open, add a comment to the existing issue instead of opening a new one.


How Do I Submit A (Good) Bug Report?

  • Navigate to the Issues tab
  • Select New Issue
  • Select Get Started under Bug Report

You can also retrieve the Bug Report template here.



Suggesting Enhancements/Features

This section guides you through submitting an enhancement suggestion for the MICR, including completely new features and minor improvements to existing functionality. Following these guidelines helps maintainers and the community understand your suggestions and find related suggestions.

Before creating enhancement suggestions, please check the Issues tab as you might find out that you don't need to create one. When you are creating an enhancement suggestion, please include as many details as possible, including the steps that you imagine you would take if the feature you're requesting existed.


How Do I Submit A (Good) Enhancement Suggestion?

  • Navigate to the Issues page
  • Select New Issue
  • Select Get Started under Bug Report

You can also retrieve the Feature/Enhancement template here.



Issue Labels:

You can find a list of all the labels and their descriptions for this project here

When creating an issue, please do your best to attach the appropriate labels. Don’t fret too much about making sure you’ve attached the perfect set of labels to the issue, a maintainer will review each issue and then once it looks good will leave a comment either asking for more info or giving it the go-ahead to be worked, attach a GREEN label that says (Ready-To-Be-Worked) and list its priority and appropriate milestone association.



Local Development

[!NEED || Local Dev Set-up FAQ]



Pull Requests

The process described here has several goals:

  • Maintain best practices across the many technologies involved with the project
  • Fix problems that are important to users
  • Enable a sustainable system for MICR's maintainers to review contributions

Please follow these steps to have your contribution considered by the maintainers:

  1. Follow the instructions in the template
  2. Follow the styleguides
  3. After you submit your pull request, verify that all status checks are passing What if the status checks are failing?f a status check is failing, and you believe that the failure is unrelated to your change, please leave a comment on the pull request explaining why you believe the failure is unrelated. A maintainer will re-run the status check for you. If we conclude that the failure was a false positive, then we will open an issue to track that problem with our status check suite.

While the prerequisites above must be satisfied prior to having your pull request reviewed, the reviewer(s) may ask you to complete additional design work, tests, or other changes before your pull request can be ultimately accepted.





Golangci-lint For GO

Prettier For HTML, CSS, SCSS, & Javascript


Git Commit Messages:

Use the present tense ("Add feature" not "Added feature")

Use the imperative mood ("Move cursor to..." not "Moves cursor to...")

Limit the first line to 72 characters or less

Reference issues and pull requests liberally after the first line


GO Style Guide:

Let's do our best to follow the Uber Uber Go Style Guide. Don't let the guide's length fill you with fear, code in small chunks and use the guide to help make sure you're on the right path.


Documentation Styleguide:

Documentation for the project will use Markdown.



Thank you to 'Atom'

Thank you to all the contributors who put work into the 'Atom' Contribution guide. I appreciate all the hard work that was put into it. The MICR will be another entity that will carry on your torch respectfully.

